Occuparel was created for the everyday business owner and side hustle entrepreneur. Occuparel is a brand that provides business t-shirts to help entrepreneurs get the word out about their businesses and network. Occuparel provides strategic and passive ways for entrepreneurs to advertise their businesses. Contrary to popular belief many business owners are not social butterflies and many struggle with networking and social skills. This inspired CEO Jasmine to come up with a marketing tool to help introvert and extrovert business owners advertise their businesses. As business owners we all have things to do and places to be. Occuparel provides shirts for business owners to multitask by marketing everywhere they go while running errands, leisure activities or working. Occuparel was created to "BREAK YOUR BUSINESS NEWS!" . Our marketing t-shirts put business news in the streets to spread awareness and help businesses gain more exposure. We hope that in a world with a million ways to market your business that Occuparel will just be one more tool that helps your business along the way. Thank you for choosing and supporting Occuparel.


Jasmine @ Occuparel